We Have Three Areas of Focus



We are uniquely adept at identifying what matters to people. By understanding cultural and 

personal values in context, we can predict how people will act or respond when presented

with a given communication or offering. But more importantly, this understanding helps us 

shape brand touchpoints and offerings to best fit into their worlds in a meaningful way.

We use research techniques that are rooted in or influenced by Anthropology & Sociology. Our processes include:

Quantitative and Qualitative Research and Analysis



Archetype Identification

Collaborative Strategic Workshops


We drive brand performance (reflected in Key Performance Indicators) by aligning 

a brand’s value proposition with the value systems of the customers that matter most. 

To achieve this, we use an array of quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Simply put, values are beliefs that motivate. When people encounter value systems

that accurately reflect their own motivating beliefs they make strong connections; 

they experience recognition and affirmation, and enthusiastically offer it in return. 

Brand Development

Brand Positioning

Communications Planning

Macroforces & Futures Forecasting


We create resonant value propositions that are culturally relevant, and thus fit naturally into

the customer’s world. We approach innovation by applying a five-stage process of research and ideation, 

both quantitative and qualitative, all grounded in Marketing, Anthropology, Sociology and Semiotics.

Opportunity Identification & Research

Inspiration Through Immersion

Collaborative Development

Articulation, Visualization & Refinement

Get in touch

Culture is here to help you understand, engage, and support the values of the customers you serve. Click below to contact us for details on how we can begin to work together.